Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lets Start from the very beginning...

I had started this blog about 3-4years ago, when my life seemed to be much simpler and I only had one dream in mind - A SUPA MODEL. Dreamed of being a plus sized Supa Model for years and years, I'm not very outgoing so I only put myself out there a few times to try to get my big break but nothing. Today I have come to the realisation that my time has passed- Im very too old now! I'm a wife and a Mother of Twins (20months old) and I'm 30.  

Everything I do now is for them, not that I mind at all putting my needs and wants aside for my family, but I need an outlet for my creativity, passion and love for fashion and design. So I deleted all my old blogs and I have started fresh. I wanted to keep this blog name as I still want to be a Model - just a Supa ROLE model for my kids. 

Please follow me on this journey as I would love to share my world with you. 


Here are a few photos of me and my little family.

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