Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Aussie Curves Challenge {Picnic}

My first Aussie Curves Challenge. I have been following pretty much everyone that does the ACC on instagram and finally thought I would bite the bullet and give it ago for myself. 

Picnic…. Love to go on beautiful picnic with my girlfriends. We all go to so much trouble and bring everything from home. From glass manson jars to vintage suitcases. Always wine and lots and lots of food. 

My First look is going to the park without the kids - Not that it happens too much these day. My friends and I used to do this a lot when the kids were babies and would sleep in the pram the whole time and weren't running around everywhere.  I'm wearing - City Chic Dress - I brought this online at Christmas only $40, Guess Brown Handbag and Nine West wedges- both are from my shopping trip in America back in 2010.  As you can see I normally go to these Picnics with brushed hair and make-up - What a treat!! This is what we like to do at these picnics… Eat and Drink

Second picture is going to the park with the kids. This is my 'lets go to the park now before I go mental' look and this look takes about 1 minute to assemble. I'm wearing City Chic Singlet top - I brought this at the Boxing day sales, I just loved the colours. I have lost about 8kgs since I brought it so its a little baggy, Demin pants are from Autograph- like a million years old. As you can see this look isn't complete without no make-up and no brushing of the hair. If you can't do this look under 1 minute you aren't doing it right. But its not about how you look its about going out and having fun with your kids. I never take too many photos when we are out on Picnics with the kids because they never stay still for long and I have my hands full but I found these ones. 

Well that's it from me. I'm off to bed. 
Thank you for reading my blog. Please follow me. 

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